It was easier to believe the end was near when it felt like losing.
During the pandemic and in the ensuing years of the Biden administration, when every evil thing was celebrated, and the entire world seemed to be crumbling under globalist control, it was very easy to believe the end was near because it felt as such. In the U.S., depending on your political leanings, it might feel less. But the nearness of the end has never changed. I haven't written much on this blog because I grew quite frustrated with the explosion of Bible prophecy folks flooding the internet with content in which the same crowd was interviewed, and if you could get into that group, you were in a good place positionally. After some time, the tinfoil hat stuff got wearying also. Whether it was some or all or none true is beside the point; it was speculative at best and had traveled far past what the Bible reveals. While God may have directed some to be so speculative, He certainly directed me to step back and reduce exposure to that kind of content. BIBLE prophecy, not conspirac...