
It was easier to believe the end was near when it felt like losing.

During the pandemic and in the ensuing years of the Biden administration, when every evil thing was celebrated, and the entire world seemed to be crumbling under globalist control, it was very easy to believe the end was near because it felt as such. In the U.S., depending on your political leanings, it might feel less. But the nearness of the end has never changed. I haven't written much on this blog because I grew quite frustrated with the explosion of Bible prophecy folks flooding the internet with content in which the same crowd was interviewed, and if you could get into that group, you were in a good place positionally. After some time, the tinfoil hat stuff got wearying also. Whether it was some or all or none true is beside the point; it was speculative at best and had traveled far past what the Bible reveals. While God may have directed some to be so speculative, He certainly directed me to step back and reduce exposure to that kind of content. BIBLE prophecy, not conspirac...

The watchmen should be giving clear instruction.

In the midst of a battle, when everything is on the line, when there's chaos and the enemy is doing an excellent job of confusing everyone from every side using false flags and hints of truth mixed with lies, what do we need? Clear direction. On this blog and on the connected Telegram channel, I do not talk about my personal life. I do not ask for money. I don't try to sell you anything. I do not share or publish a lot of content on a regular basis because I'm trying to be cautious and thoughtful about what is promoted. I don't have the latest breaking and enticing news. That is not the job of a watchman, to entice and mesmerize by new content. I do not, incidentally, consider myself a watchman. Rather, my approach was aggregation, and sharing of news materials of interest to those looking for Bible prophecy content. The blog post I'd write here and there were about ideas about Bible prophecy, though as of late it has become a wariness of the movement. In the midst ...

What do we need to know right now?

I haven't written much, nor have I aggressively updated the Telegram and MeWe site. Life is busy, sure, but there is another reason. I'm weary of the conspiracy. Right now, deception is off the charts and I don't want to hear more about the Klaus Schwab and Agenda 21. Understandably, if you're new to listening to prophecy teachers, those things are new and interesting (and maybe necessary to hear about at least once), but the material is out there already, readily available to watch and listen to without needing more produced.  One of the reasons I have returned to some of the "established" Bible prophecy teachers is that they keep the main thing the main thing (for the most part). They talk about what is going on with Israel, the talk about wars, shifts in the geopolitical landscape in relation to the Bible, and the natural disasters and diseases that are on the rise. And they load it heavily with scripture. Who cares about weather modifications, whether 9/11...

The splintering of the Bible prophecy crowd, just in time for the end.

 Before delving too deep into a difficult blog post, I want to start with a few key Bible passages that are going to influence what will follow. For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere human beings What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task. ( 1 Corinthians 3:4-5  NIV) We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. ( 2 Thess. 3:4  NIV) In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden...

What happens when you step back?

For those following the accompanying social media channels on MeWe and Telegram , you'll have noticed a slowdown in publishing. Part was due to the Christmas holidays and the end-of-year and beginning-of-year things that crowd out time, but part was due to stepping back and re-evaluating.  Since an incident in September 2022 , I've gradually pulled back from the online prophecy world. Except for the most basic and known teachers whose ministries have been around for a long time and who produce fairly steady and reliable content, I've shared very little. This morning, in my email, I received an update out of nowhere from an online forum attached to a popular prophecy teacher's website that indicated they were going to be cutting down and removing some of the content that had been posted, and being more restrictive in how people could post. I believed it to be a good idea. But, being curious as to how things were going there since I'd left in September and not looked...

Is it iron sharpening iron, or just more noise?

    There was a recent video featuring a popular prophecy teacher that caused some consternation. There was also a response to the video , which did a good job laying out the concerns some had. I finally watched both videos. While I didn't always agree with every point made in the first video that set people off, I didn't quite understand some of the response in the comments section there on YouTube. I simply listened, gave the guest teacher the benefit of the doubt, and noted internally, as I listened, what I agreed and disagreed with. Yet there was real confusion, angst, anger, and upset in the comments. Some folks even started to attack the teacher and his motives. It wasn't my reaction to that video, but I get it. Let me tell you a story. One of the things I've grown so weary of is death.  The spirit of death, the death of all living things, how the world just throws away life so casually. Everywhere I look I see death, from the people apparently dropping like flie...

The Antichrist will be a populist.

I debated between using "may be" and "will be" in the title of this blog post, but I went with will be. As I've alluded to in other posts regarding the increasing deception that will continue to grow, Christians and non-Christians alike aren't fooled by the globalists. There is an ever-growing odd collection of people on the left, center, and right who are walking in agreement about their distrust and desire to expose the WEF, the elite, the overlords of recent years that have so clumsily played their hands. If they're not fooled now, why would they be later? When you see the massive rallies and protests and marches across the world, they are populist movements. They are pushing back at the elites and globalists. They are nationalists. When you dive into the many social media groups and websites dedicated to politics, they are about grassroots rising up and becoming active to push back and shake off the control of these powerful government bureaucrats a...

The infighting will increase the closer we get.

I think, in line with what happened in the prophecy community the last two weeks (see recent blog posts), you will appreciate this video, particularly the beginning. Pete Garcia's usage of the aviation concept of the cone of confusion is so spot on, it's brilliant. Essentially, in aviation, the closer you get to final on an instrument landing, the more sensitive the instruments are and the needles on some can bob around a bit. If you chase the needle, you'll never hit your mark. For those like me who fly VFR, it would be about course corrections, or chasing the pink line on GPS. You do that, and you'll constantly weave across the line, back and forth, focusing on the line instead of taking into consideration the winds and crabbing and such. Big course corrections, from chasing the line, create big course misdirection. We are in the cone of confusion in the sense that we're close to the end and so much is happening and there's a lot of sensitivity and confusion a...

What do we study the most?

One of the stranger interactions I had after a recent prophecy update brouhaha was a woman telling me, in a YouTube comment thread in which I was informed that people who saw the planes on 9/11 didn't actually see them but were mentally conditioned to see them, that she thought the earth was round but until she could go into space and see it, she could never know for sure. Um...does she not know she can know that for sure without having to go to space? And that we've already sent enough people and objects to space to do that work for her if that's what she requires? Where to even start? The prophecy update in question made the point that you can't believe what you see. Which is it? We can't believe what we see, or we can only believe when we see? The Bible talks about the importance of having two witnesses, so somewhere in there, the word of someone saying they saw something has a role.  It seemed as if all of those prophecy updates have failed, for seeing is beli...

Sensational distractions supposedly about deception create division and confusion in a time already full of such things.

In the September 11 prophecy update , J. D. Farag (someone I have watched for several years, appreciate, and never miss an update) talked about how there were no planes and the whole thing was a conspiracy. I almost wept, when I realized where he was going. Why are you doing this? I wondered, almost shutting it off but watching through to the end because I like J.D. I noticed there wasn't much scripture that was used in that update, unlike his normal heavy use of scripture, and what was used was kind of an odd wraparound. But he said God told him to talk about this , I thought as my disbelief grew, reminding myself that I don't follow Apollo or Paul  and that other teachers (such as Amir Tsarfati---which we'll get to in a minute---or Andy Wood, have said things I disagree with but can still appreciate their teaching). I have no doubt there may be more to 9/11 than we were told, and that the collapse of building 7 is odd as well as what the demolition and architect experts ...

Giving the elite and government too much credit.

All of the bad weather isn't because of HAARP or weather modification. All of the bad happening isn't because of globalist machinations, the WEF, Soros, or whomever else. All of the evil in the nation isn't because of the Democrats. If you don't understand that or grasp that, you'll always forget that the war is spiritual. And you'll forget that God's plan is at work and he is ultimately in control. I won't lie, I'm very weary of trying to find Bible prophecy videos and podcasts to play in the background while I work only to hear about Klaus Schwab and the global elite. I get it. I think most of us get it. Those who don't know or understand yet probably are not going to. I always have to remind myself that somewhere, someone new to all of it is finding a video or article for the first time, perhaps. And then I wonder if the problem is that I have "itching ears" just wanting to hear something new. But there are so many videos out there, ...