Introduction: What this site is about.

Since late 2020, I've run a page on MeWe where I've shared articles, videos, and information that relate to Bible prophecy and the end times. In the summer of 2021, I added a Telegram channel.

There are many views of Bible prophecy and the end times. As noted in the site description, this site takes a pre-tribulation pre-millennial dispensational view. 

Very basically, I believe the rapture happens before the 7 year tribulation, of which the last half is the Great Tribulation. The rapture is imminent, which means are no signs necessary for the rapture. There are signs for things pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ, but not the rapture. Sometimes those signs throw a shadow back on how we live now, which is why people will say "signs of the times" as a way of saying "we're seeing the beginning birth pangs of what is going to happen at the end." The rapture takes Christ's church out of the world before the nation of Israel becomes God's focus. At the end of the tribulation, Jesus will return and set up his literal 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom. At the end of that will be one final battle, the devil is permanently defeated, and we will enter the eternal state with the New Heaven and New Earth.

This blog is to share information, resources, and comments on things along these lines. There are plenty of breaking news sources related to end times events. This site is more focused on pointing towards resources, and talking about what is happening as well as presenting Biblical content in light of end times prophecy.

Each post will be shared on the social media sites.

There are recommended websites and other resources listed in the side menu of this site. I will add more as I find them.

If you do not hold to this kind of view, you are welcome to find other websites to frequent. There is enough argument and discord elsewhere, and that won't be happening here.

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