Giving the elite and government too much credit.
All of the bad weather isn't because of HAARP or weather modification.
All of the bad happening isn't because of globalist machinations, the WEF, Soros, or whomever else.
All of the evil in the nation isn't because of the Democrats.
If you don't understand that or grasp that, you'll always forget that the war is spiritual. And you'll forget that God's plan is at work and he is ultimately in control.
I won't lie, I'm very weary of trying to find Bible prophecy videos and podcasts to play in the background while I work only to hear about Klaus Schwab and the global elite. I get it. I think most of us get it. Those who don't know or understand yet probably are not going to.
I always have to remind myself that somewhere, someone new to all of it is finding a video or article for the first time, perhaps. And then I wonder if the problem is that I have "itching ears" just wanting to hear something new. But there are so many videos out there, so much material already out there, all talking about the same thing. We have people who aren't Christians (New Age, humanists, etc.) who are also on the "wake-up and smell the WEF train." And the focus on what the human beings are doing seems to be a distraction.
Why are we pushing the same kinds of truths as non-believers? Shouldn't we have something else to say?
Yes, they're creating a digital currency. Yes, the global economy is shifting dramatically and painfully to get lined up for what's coming. Yes, there are world leaders, both elected and unelected, who are doing terrible things to control and hurt people. Yes, they're trying to force everyone into a green life where travel and food choices are limited. Yes, they're trying to get everyone dependent upon and answering to government. Yes, injustice abounds and rules aren't applied fairly and cheating is celebrated and the rich get richer and the agony they're creating for the majority of people continues to grow all while they smirk and smile in their power.
I think we get it. We know the beast system is in the works. We know it.
Yet we can't stop talking about it.
In a way, those things are a distraction. A false flag. When we keep bringing up news articles and talking about it on videos, sticking to a click-bait "can you believe what they did today?!" mentality, we're burying the lede.
The lede, if you didn't know it, is simple: Satan hates us, he knows his time is short, and he's going all out right now, with everything he's allowed to do.
Satan, our adversary and the father of lies and lover of death and destruction, is going after everyone and everything using whatever tools he might use because he hates God's creation and he hates people and he wants everyone dead and lost. Some he deceives in ways followers of Christ can easily see are evil, while for others he distracts with good things that have the potential to lead away from Christ.
How ironic that good Christian teachers attempting to shed light on Bible prophecy could, if not careful, be used as a distraction?
Like opening our eyes to the evil at work in the elite, giving us a modern-day piece of fruit off of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What happens when we get so focused on uncovering what the global elite are doing? When we focus on the signs as something to fix instead of something to understand?
- We end up bringing people on our podcasts and programs who aren't believers and therefore, we open the door to having our listeners go to their platforms and be led astray. They might sound the correct warning or have true facts, but their other beliefs are not from God.
- We get angry and turn our hatred towards people we should pray for or about. We see people as the cause instead of the enemy who is using them.
- We are attracted to organizations and movements that are attempting to defeat the bad guys through politics, lawsuits, activism, and human means.
- We put our energy into things that are in our physical control, like prepping or voting, instead of really taking ahold of the spiritual nature of what's going on.
- We reduce our understanding of the power of God because we credit people and organizations as great villains when it's God's amazing plan, started at the beginning of time, at work.
Because we're easily distracted. We're like horses in need of blinders. If we don't look up for our redemption, we'll look around for it and wander off thinking we can find redemption in our own knowledge and strength.
God told us what would happen at the end of days not so we would turn it into a mystery to solve and forget the main thing or agonize over how bad things are, but so that we wouldn't be caught off guard and lose heart. His prophecy is his proof.
This politician is a liar and this disease was cooked up in a lab and this food is unhealthy and killing people and this country is becoming despotic and this drought is destroying the food and this nation's economy is crumbling and I cannot take any more.
It's one thing to know your Bible enough to know---as you are exposed to the news or take notice of what's happening around you and listening to the Holy Spirit---that we are in the season. But it's another thing to be fixated on the markers of the season. In Matthew 16:3 Jesus said we shouldn't be oblivious to the signs of the season of the last days. But what do we do with seasons?
Seasons are for planting, watering, growing, harvesting, storing; in other words, they have a particular activity assigned to them. In Jesus' parable in Luke 19, we see his instruction for the season: engage in business until I come.
"I'm leaving for now. I'm giving you some things to do my work with. Do that work until I get back. You'll know I'm about to return when some of these things happen, but keep doing business. See you in a bit."
Part of that work is teaching and warning people that Jesus is returning soon, telling them we have little time. But perhaps the push to put out new videos and nab interviews for each other's podcasts and YouTube channels has created an inward-looking problem that seems to be about looking up but has instead become about looking around.
Admittedly, I watch fewer Bible prophecy videos than I did just a few years ago, in 2020. I have one or two teachers I regularly read or watch, because they keep the focus on the God's word without getting too carried away in current events and news. The blogs I read are those carefully weaving the truth of the Bible into what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen in ways that remind me how both simple and incredibly deep the Bible is.
As times get worse, it seems odd that I would consume less prophecy teaching. But my entire being is so weary of politics, fighting, conspiracy (even if it's true!), and theological arguing (is Babylon going to be in Iraq? Or is it America? Is Psalm 83 a prophetic war? Or is it just a Psalm?) that I can't bear it much anymore.
I already know things are getting worse and going to continue to get worse. That's not news. But we take the world's word for it that it is news, and push it constantly.
Lawlessness grows. People's hearts are incredibly cold toward each other; we murder millions each day with our words online. Human life has been stripped of value. Deception oozes out of everything to the point of requiring a constant stream of conversation with God about what's real and what isn't. Conflict and war and bad news about crops and weather and earthquakes and disease and UFOs splash across the headlines. The Second Law of Thermodynamics is well at work as everything we know is sliding faster to decay.
I know the Bible is true. I know God prophesied these things. What I need is not another sermon from the newspaper, but the peace from Jesus that is the only thing to keep me sane through all that's gone on and will go on.
And while I'm not sure what the proper mix is when it comes to someone who God has asked to warn people about these last moments in time and what's going on in the world to losing focus, I know as someone who watches these teachers that I have to be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes he tells me to stop watching or reading a website not because it's bad, but because it's causing me to look around instead of up.
As J.D. Farag repeatedly says, our focus isn't on warning people about the WEF. It's to get people to Jesus as fast as we can because we don't have much time left.
The world is on a fast track to destruction. It's not because of the global elite. It's because it's a spiritual battle and God's plan is at work. Don't give the wrong people too much credit.
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