The watchmen should be giving clear instruction.

In the midst of a battle, when everything is on the line, when there's chaos and the enemy is doing an excellent job of confusing everyone from every side using false flags and hints of truth mixed with lies, what do we need?

Clear direction.

On this blog and on the connected Telegram channel, I do not talk about my personal life. I do not ask for money. I don't try to sell you anything. I do not share or publish a lot of content on a regular basis because I'm trying to be cautious and thoughtful about what is promoted. I don't have the latest breaking and enticing news.

That is not the job of a watchman, to entice and mesmerize by new content. I do not, incidentally, consider myself a watchman. Rather, my approach was aggregation, and sharing of news materials of interest to those looking for Bible prophecy content. The blog post I'd write here and there were about ideas about Bible prophecy, though as of late it has become a wariness of the movement. In the midst of all the growing noise, it seemed prudent to speak less.

Imagine if the watchman thought his job was to yell on a regularly scheduled basis instead of warning when a warning was necessary?

Must publish blog. Must put out videos. Must get clicks. Must not bore or lose my audience.

I've been purging the large collections of Bible prophecy sources I follow on different platforms and apps. It's getting easier as time goes on. I won't be too specific because that's between God and you, and I'm not going to try to judge the hearts of these folks who may, indeed, be used by God in the lives of others.


I would suggest you carefully consider your intake. This account included.

I certainly dump folks who like to make jokes about those not on the "inside" (e.g. "I said Revelations as a joke, because we all know if you had a clue you would know it was just Revelation." is something I actually heard said on a supposed ministry video. How do you think new believers or tender-hearted viewers would feel after that?)

If they, or their followers, heavily espouse flat earth...out they go.

If they can't stop talking about weather modification...adios.

Obsessing about the deep state and all the evil muck of globalism without proper perspective on who is actually in control? Sayonara.

Wacky conspiracy fixation from Lee Harvey Oswald to 9/11? Good-bye.

Repeated fixation on the idea that "everything we were taught was a lie" which is often a euphemism for all of the above plus an unbiblical push to be "awakened." Unfollow.


Because at this point, if we're close to the end as we all keep hearing, who cares about all of that? 

What is the heart of Bible prophecy? A fixation on the signs, or on the savior?

A person in the midst of the chaos of today who is not a believer or who is a new or scared believer needs a clear understanding of Jesus' Gospel, what Bible prophecy teaches about God's plan for his creation, and how they can have peace by trusting in Jesus and keeping their eyes on him no matter what political or natural disaster occurs. They don't need an argument about whether or not there were several shooters at Dealy Plaza, or to watch a flat earther get into a raging argument over the meaning of the word "firmament."

I don't know what your rubric for choosing who will teach you about prophecy looks like, but it had better be a majority percentage of Bible-based presentations pointing people to Jesus Christ instead of the dark corners of the internet.

At this point, I'm back down to a bare few folks I'll listen to or read, many (though not all) of whom are the bigger names that some folks love to hate, simply because whether or not it's the Holy Spirit or a wise editorial staff, they aren't putting out all of this strange stuff that may or may not be true, but distracts regardless.

There's enough strange stuff happening right now. Occult, spiritual signs and wonders, aliens, bizarre New Age beliefs meshing with Christianity---we don't need to draw battlegrounds around whether or not the U.S. put a man on the moon.

I want watchmen who stand tall and keep watch, keeping their mouths closed until they see something God is insisting they warn us about, and then warn us clearly based on God's Word. I want watchmen who clearly instruct people on how not to be deceived, using God's word, instead of pushing them down the conspiracy vacuums themselves. I don't want watchmen with an editorial calendar and slate of video interviews they have to fill to keep the clicks and YouTube ad revenue coming.

If everyone is a watchman, then no one is.


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