What imminence feels like.


We're living the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Not that laws of physics control spiritual things, but it's one of the things I think of when I hear people insisting that a great awakening or revival or taking back of the nations to the way things were in 2019 are all wrong.

We are in entropy.

It feels like a heavy blanket on the heart.

Everywhere are people completely deceived, and happily embracing every new deception, thinking they are finding a path to enlightenment and fulfillment.

Everywhere is depravity dressed up in bright colors, glitter, sparkles, false smiles, and even packaged into children's media. Apathy grows. Self-love rules cold hearts. Rumors and threats of war. New diseases. New leaps towards global control and more parts of a beast system that marks and controls who can buy or sell being put into place. New chaos and riots and ethnic divisions, both on the streets and disguised behind genteel speakers in pulpits and college lecture halls. People losing jobs because they won't take jabs. Earthquakes and droughts and floods and fires and insects, raging around the world. Supply shortages increasing and becoming normal.

A quick skim through your news feed almost makes your heart burst, it all feels so close to being the end. How can another day possible come with worse news than this, you think, but it does and there is.

We know it is going to get very bad during the tribulation. While we won't be here for it, the pieces falling into place, those quickening birth pangs of everything falling apart, are so painful to see and experience.

Imminence feels heavy, so close but how close we don't know, and that makes it all the heavier. It feels as if you've been tipping over the edge of the end for a year or more. Your heart and spirit break nearly every day at what is happening all around you.

Blind people are the most heartbreaking.

Can't they see? Can't they see what's so obvious? Can't they see the lies, the impending crumbling, the way they are being herded towards one end?


They are deceived. They are blind. They don't know Jesus, who is Truth.

The crass television commercials advertising pleasures and shopping still fill the airwaves. The entertainment keeps churning out. People continue to obey everything they're told to do by leaders, despite conflicting data, because they think they'll emerge back to normal instead of in the end of this broken world.

If you're like me, every day you see another domino fall. 

More nations are added to the list requiring vaccinations. More nations are turning into chaos and outright war zones. More leaders advocate complete control over the people. More bad news about the weather and inflation. More natural disaster. More division. 

The waves of the sea, from which the beast will emerge, are foaming and swelling beyond measure.

It feels like any moment, now.

And then another day comes and more things fall into place and things get even worse and while it's amazing, it causes you to run even more to the Lord for every moment of every day.

It feels like any moment, now.

Just a little bit and then...


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