The churning sea that is home to the beast.


In Revelation 13:1-4, we see the beast rising out of the sea.

Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”

The beast is made up of the four animals from Daniel's vision (Daniel 7:208), representing the four kingdoms of Gentile rule. The sea often represents humanity (particularly Gentiles), and/or chaos. It is from out of that sea the beast (antichrist) will come and bring false peace for a short while. Along with the false prophet, he'll seem to be a miracle worker.

In 2020 and 2021, we've seen a lot of strange bedfellows.

New agers, liberal, conservative, Christian, atheists, left, right, and people from all around the world all coming together to fight:

  • Pandemic deception
  • Health restrictions and lack of health freedom
  • Forced vaccination
  • Authoritarian rule
  • The global elite
  • Lack of integrity in leaders
  • One world order (and all its proponents)

That's a short list, but the point here is that we have all of these people with very different ideologies and faiths telling people to wake up. We have Christians going on New Age programs and vice versa, all because of agreement on this one thing unaware they may be opening up people to dangerous beliefs on the side.

That tells me there is deception in the "awakened" (which is a very New Age term).

Consider that chaotic sea of humanity that the beast miraculously rises from and brings apparent order. While I have no idea who the antichrist is, it might not be George Soros or Klaus Schwab or French President Macron who will, after their alleged devious actions have been thoroughly exposed by now, convince the masses they have the solution. Our current slate of leaders have handily created and fed chaos to where we see all of these very different categories of people coming together to fight them. Keep in mind that all of these people (except the true Christians who will be gone by the time the antichrist appears) will be in some kind of agreement. That includes the patriot "Christians" who didn't have true belief but only moralist tradition. 

It's a strange unity, one being set up now, and should make us wary.

When you watched the videos from doctors and other medical professionals explaining things about the pandemic, and then suddenly slipping into talk about higher vibrations, did it give you pause? Because that's New Age thinking.

I simply want to say this: as the chaos and protests against the governments grow, don't assume you're safe from deception because you know about Schwab and Soros and other conspiracies. It could be that those are false flags of sorts, because at some point, after the rapture, someone will come along amongst the chaos and offer a solution and all of these current groups of people so oddly aligned together against one world government will be clamoring for it.

Be cautious about who you align yourself with in the fight against the obvious and exposed "enemy" now, because those alignments could be pulling you away from Christ and the Great Commission and spiritual warfare into a battle against flesh and blood. Be careful who you follow and read online, because satan is a master deceiver and he knows how to distract Christians from what we are to be doing.

I'm not going to wholeheartedly recommend everything on this YouTube channel (for starters, he isn't a pre-trib rapture believer, but there are other issues as well), but with cautious discernment, you may find that watching some of the videos will help you make the connections that are strangely joining together God's people with those who are following a false belief or anti-God agenda, all under the guise of being awakened.

"We have the same goal," you might tell yourself, "so I'll just ignore that New Age stuff and work towards that goal."

Consider Psalm 1, and the process that happens that eventually stops our walk with God.

The deceived are all of those without Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It's true they might provide useful data, but remember that these are the last days/hours/minutes and that no protest or information or Rumble video will stop God's plan. Keep this in mind as you listen to videos exposing deception or showing protests for liberty. We are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, and that includes activism or agenda. 


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