
Showing posts from July, 2021

If your trust isn't solely in God by now, you have fewer places to look than ever.

Proverbs 18:10 "They can't do that! It's unconstitutional!" But they do it.  "They can't mandate something that would force me to close my business down and lose income!" But they do it. "They can't force us to do something harmful or unhealthy!" But they do it. "They can't call it a vaccine when it's gene therapy!" But they do it. "They can't mandate a vaccine that isn't approved!" But they do it.  "They can't approve a vaccine without more testing!" But they do it. "They can't make me believe a lie!" But they do it. "They can't tell me where I can and can't shop!" But they do it. "They can't tell me where and when I can travel!" But they do it. "They can't tell me what is essential and what isn't!" But they do it. The Department of alleged Justice even says they can. The administration says they can. Legislative bodies do noth...

What imminence feels like.

  We're living the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Not that laws of physics control spiritual things, but it's one of the things I think of when I hear people insisting that a great awakening or revival or taking back of the nations to the way things were in 2019 are all wrong. We are in entropy . It feels like a heavy blanket on the heart. Everywhere are people completely deceived, and happily embracing every new deception, thinking they are finding a path to enlightenment and fulfillment. Everywhere is depravity dressed up in bright colors, glitter, sparkles, false smiles, and even packaged into children's media. Apathy grows. Self-love rules cold hearts. Rumors and threats of war. New diseases. New leaps towards global control and more parts of a beast system that marks and controls who can buy or sell being put into place. New chaos and riots and ethnic divisions, both on the streets and disguised behind genteel speakers in pulpits and college lecture halls. People losing...

Common misconceptions about the rapture.

If I were to tell you what I see said the most about the rapture as far as disagreeing with a pre-trib rapture, this is probably the list. I will likely be adding to it as I come across others that pop up on my radar. For those wanting to argue various theological positions, I encourage you to watch this YouTube series . Not a single idea, argument, or protest is left untouched. "There are a few signs that need to happen before the rapture." The imminence of the rapture is the key. Nothing needs to happen before it. Nothing. It is sign-less. Don't mistake the shadow and stage-setting for the tribulation as signs of the rapture beyond the fact that the rapture happens before the tribulation and if all that is falling into place than it is ever more imminent than ever before. But there is not one thing that needs to happen before Christ calls his bride home. "You pre-tribbers just want to escape!" Yes, I surely do want to escape going through the tribulation. It...

The mystery of lawlessness.

  In my morning Bible reading and study in 2 Thessalonians 2 , the phrase "the mystery of lawlessness" caught my attention in a different way. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is removed. - 2 Thess. 2:7 In this chapter, Paul is reassuring the Thessalonians that no, Christ hadn't returned. He starts the chapter reassuring them that the false spirit, the false word, or the false letter that had convinced them otherwise was wrong ( 2 Thess. 2:2 ) Stop there for a second. A false spirit (i.e. a false revelation or prophecy). A false word or message (someone spoke a lie to them directly or personally). A false letter (something written taught them a lie). Are these three modes of deception rampant today or what? From there, Paul proceeds to reassure them that he is correct, describing what will happen with the coming man of lawlessness (the antichrist). This man will oppose every "god" and faith practice...

It's a question of convergence.

  A woman commented, after I'd shared an article about earthquakes, that I should stop scaring people because earthquakes have always happened. I understand that there is a lot of fearmongering out there, and has been for decades. Sometimes you read books from a decade or so ago, and you realize the dire predictions were way off. I get it. And she's correct. Earthquakes have always happened, because natural disasters have always happened. Depravity has always been present. People have always been deceived. There have been antichrists since Jesus ascended into Heaven. There has been persecution of the Jews since ancient times. The church has always struggled with apostasy. The woman missed the point. It wasn't a question if sin and the results of the fall of humanity and a fallen world has already been at work. It's a question of increased activity plus convergence. All those dire predictions that were way off? The frequency of what is happening, and the timing of things...

Introduction: What this site is about.

Since late 2020, I've run a page on MeWe where I've shared articles, videos, and information that relate to Bible prophecy and the end times. In the summer of 2021, I added a Telegram channel. There are many views of Bible prophecy and the end times. As noted in the site description, this site takes a pre-tribulation pre-millennial dispensational view.  Very basically, I believe the rapture happens before the 7 year tribulation, of which the last half is the Great Tribulation. The rapture is imminent, which means are no signs necessary for the rapture. There are signs for things pertaining to the Second Coming of Christ, but not the rapture. Sometimes those signs throw a shadow back on how we live now, which is why people will say "signs of the times" as a way of saying "we're seeing the beginning birth pangs of what is going to happen at the end." The rapture takes Christ's church out of the world before the nation of Israel becomes God's focus...