The infighting will increase the closer we get.

I think, in line with what happened in the prophecy community the last two weeks (see recent blog posts), you will appreciate this video, particularly the beginning. Pete Garcia's usage of the aviation concept of the cone of confusion is so spot on, it's brilliant. Essentially, in aviation, the closer you get to final on an instrument landing, the more sensitive the instruments are and the needles on some can bob around a bit. If you chase the needle, you'll never hit your mark. For those like me who fly VFR, it would be about course corrections, or chasing the pink line on GPS. You do that, and you'll constantly weave across the line, back and forth, focusing on the line instead of taking into consideration the winds and crabbing and such. Big course corrections, from chasing the line, create big course misdirection. We are in the cone of confusion in the sense that we're close to the end and so much is happening and there's a lot of sensitivity and confusion a...