
Showing posts from September, 2022

The infighting will increase the closer we get.

I think, in line with what happened in the prophecy community the last two weeks (see recent blog posts), you will appreciate this video, particularly the beginning. Pete Garcia's usage of the aviation concept of the cone of confusion is so spot on, it's brilliant. Essentially, in aviation, the closer you get to final on an instrument landing, the more sensitive the instruments are and the needles on some can bob around a bit. If you chase the needle, you'll never hit your mark. For those like me who fly VFR, it would be about course corrections, or chasing the pink line on GPS. You do that, and you'll constantly weave across the line, back and forth, focusing on the line instead of taking into consideration the winds and crabbing and such. Big course corrections, from chasing the line, create big course misdirection. We are in the cone of confusion in the sense that we're close to the end and so much is happening and there's a lot of sensitivity and confusion a...

What do we study the most?

One of the stranger interactions I had after a recent prophecy update brouhaha was a woman telling me, in a YouTube comment thread in which I was informed that people who saw the planes on 9/11 didn't actually see them but were mentally conditioned to see them, that she thought the earth was round but until she could go into space and see it, she could never know for sure. Um...does she not know she can know that for sure without having to go to space? And that we've already sent enough people and objects to space to do that work for her if that's what she requires? Where to even start? The prophecy update in question made the point that you can't believe what you see. Which is it? We can't believe what we see, or we can only believe when we see? The Bible talks about the importance of having two witnesses, so somewhere in there, the word of someone saying they saw something has a role.  It seemed as if all of those prophecy updates have failed, for seeing is beli...

Sensational distractions supposedly about deception create division and confusion in a time already full of such things.

In the September 11 prophecy update , J. D. Farag (someone I have watched for several years, appreciate, and never miss an update) talked about how there were no planes and the whole thing was a conspiracy. I almost wept, when I realized where he was going. Why are you doing this? I wondered, almost shutting it off but watching through to the end because I like J.D. I noticed there wasn't much scripture that was used in that update, unlike his normal heavy use of scripture, and what was used was kind of an odd wraparound. But he said God told him to talk about this , I thought as my disbelief grew, reminding myself that I don't follow Apollo or Paul  and that other teachers (such as Amir Tsarfati---which we'll get to in a minute---or Andy Wood, have said things I disagree with but can still appreciate their teaching). I have no doubt there may be more to 9/11 than we were told, and that the collapse of building 7 is odd as well as what the demolition and architect experts ...