Giving the elite and government too much credit.

All of the bad weather isn't because of HAARP or weather modification. All of the bad happening isn't because of globalist machinations, the WEF, Soros, or whomever else. All of the evil in the nation isn't because of the Democrats. If you don't understand that or grasp that, you'll always forget that the war is spiritual. And you'll forget that God's plan is at work and he is ultimately in control. I won't lie, I'm very weary of trying to find Bible prophecy videos and podcasts to play in the background while I work only to hear about Klaus Schwab and the global elite. I get it. I think most of us get it. Those who don't know or understand yet probably are not going to. I always have to remind myself that somewhere, someone new to all of it is finding a video or article for the first time, perhaps. And then I wonder if the problem is that I have "itching ears" just wanting to hear something new. But there are so many videos out there, ...