Breaking News! Things are worse than yesterday.
Each day I go online to find various articles or videos for the social media accounts associated with this blog. Each day it is easier to find more bad news. You can always find bad news, of course, but it's so much easier now because of the convergence of events and the ease of access to information on the internet. Some days, there are so many news stories with connections to end times signs of Jesus' second coming that it's almost paralyzing to figure out which ones to share. Plus, there are lots of end-times ministries or social accounts sharing the same things (some to excess, perhaps). Today I went to my RSS reader and began working through the many news articles. It was exasperating. There were too many, really. How to choose? Which ones were the most important? Which were just fear porn to get clicks? At one point, all I could think is this: Things are just getting worse. But then that thought was immediately followed by: God is still on the throne. I will still ...