What happens when you step back?

For those following the accompanying social media channels on MeWe and Telegram , you'll have noticed a slowdown in publishing. Part was due to the Christmas holidays and the end-of-year and beginning-of-year things that crowd out time, but part was due to stepping back and re-evaluating. Since an incident in September 2022 , I've gradually pulled back from the online prophecy world. Except for the most basic and known teachers whose ministries have been around for a long time and who produce fairly steady and reliable content, I've shared very little. This morning, in my email, I received an update out of nowhere from an online forum attached to a popular prophecy teacher's website that indicated they were going to be cutting down and removing some of the content that had been posted, and being more restrictive in how people could post. I believed it to be a good idea. But, being curious as to how things were going there since I'd left in September and not looked...