Is it iron sharpening iron, or just more noise?

There was a recent video featuring a popular prophecy teacher that caused some consternation. There was also a response to the video , which did a good job laying out the concerns some had. I finally watched both videos. While I didn't always agree with every point made in the first video that set people off, I didn't quite understand some of the response in the comments section there on YouTube. I simply listened, gave the guest teacher the benefit of the doubt, and noted internally, as I listened, what I agreed and disagreed with. Yet there was real confusion, angst, anger, and upset in the comments. Some folks even started to attack the teacher and his motives. It wasn't my reaction to that video, but I get it. Let me tell you a story. One of the things I've grown so weary of is death. The spirit of death, the death of all living things, how the world just throws away life so casually. Everywhere I look I see death, from the people apparently dropping like flie...