
Showing posts from October, 2021

Remember how strong the deception will be.

We're seeing videos of people around the world rising up in protest against the various mandates and restrictions that have come down like a hammer. It's easy to find videos online of non-Christians talking about the Great Reset and the global elite. In Matthew 24, Jesus is talking about the Tribulation. His disciples asked questions and Jesus is answering them. The church (and the rapture) is not what he's talking about in that section of scripture.   It's important to understand that because many confuse this. The Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25 is Israel-and-Tribulation-centric. The Upper Room Discourse of John 13 came later in the timeline and was about the church and the Rapture. But those shadows of the Tribulation are cast, and we know that deception is one of the signs of the tribulation that will cast a shadow backwards. It's in Matthew 24:24 that we learn the deception during the Tribulation will be so all-encompassing that if it were possible, the elect...